The Reunion Committee is made up of the following classmates:

January 21st, 2001 - Riverside Restaurant

Committee members present:

The meeting started at 15:00 and this is what we talked about:

- The first thing was to decide a date as early as possible so everyone can get it on their calendar (we want as many people as possible to attend this year). After much discussion it was decided either the first or second weekend in October would be best. Some people wanted it in summer and we felt that it the muggy weather would not be much fun. The final date will be set once we find out when the Homecoming date is set (we are shooting for that date). Jon R. will be looking into that.

- John B. presented ideas from several reunions he has attended in the past several years. The game plan we came up with is as follows:

*Friday night tailgate party in the Free Lance Star parking lot and attending the Homecoming football game.
*Saturday am - undecided.
*Saturday pm - dance (band or DJ to be decided)
*Sunday am/pm - informal picnic w/ band

- Martha will looking into Saturday night venues and prices.

- Debbie will be looking into obtaining a farm for Sunday afternoon. We will ask Mark Newton if his band would like to play then.

- Karen will be looking into music.

- We will be inviting the classes of '75 and '77 as well as the teachers.

- John B. will be working on name/picture badges and the information booklet.

- No food on Sat pm event. What we had last time was wasted, class of '75 had the same thing happen.

- A snail-mail letter will go out to the class once the date has been finalized.

- John B. will add a page to the web site with meeting notes and pictures of the committee.

None of this is set in concrete, just ideas being thrown out and work projects assigned. The Stafford HS Class of '77 has offered to assist as needed - John B will be working with them.

The meeting was concluded at 17:30.

March 18th, 2001 - Riverside Restaurant

Committee members present:

The meeting started at 15:00 and this is what we talked about:

- The reunion will take place the weekend of October 12th. We looked at a number of different dates and this best works for all.

- We will have a DJ.

- It will probably be held at the Elks Lodge on Tidewater Trail.

- John B. will send a snail-mail to all classmates advising them of the date and will try t find out how many people wil attend.

- We are looking to have the maximum number of classmates attend.

- The next committee meeting will take place after the mailouts have come back, no firm date yet.

The meeting was concluded at 17:30.

May 27th, 2001 - Riverside Restaurant

Committee members present:

The meeting started at 15:30 and this is what we talked about:

- John B. reported that 53 people had returned their questionnaires, most were coming to the reunion.

- Wilbur B. suggested we should make up a t-shirt for the event.

- Theresie G. reported that hotel rooms would be in the $70 per night range. We need to know how many people need rooms for the weekend.

- Laura E. suggested we have a social gathering (depending on the football game status for friday night) at the Bee Hive. Having it at the kenmore Inn was another suggestion.

- John B. reported that he e-maile the '77 & '75 classes about the event and invited them. Several people replied back that they would. The committee felt that both classes should be invited to the entire weekend event.

- The committee felt that light hors d'oevures be served on Sat night.

- The next committee meeting will be in Jluy-August.

The meeting was concluded at 16:30.

For more information email me at: